Nybörjarkurs - nivå 1

  1. Feeling kinda lonely
  2. Brown eyed girl - film på YouTube
  3. Bubblegum Cowboy
  4. All about a woman
  5. Drunken Sailor
  6. Lindi Shuffle
  7. Mama Loo
  8. Come Dance With Me
  9. My everything

Bonusdans: You're Beautiful

Fortsättning - Nivå 2

  1. A friend in need
  2. Chango
  3. The wire
  4. About time
  5. Chattahoocee 2
  6. Dream Lover
  7. You Complete Me
  8. White Rose
  9. A Little Bit Gypsy
  10. (Timber)
  11. Tell Him That
  12. LDF - Linedance Forever
  13. I can't stop the rain
  14. Walk with me
  15. The boat to Liverpool
  16. The Gambler
  17. Mucho Amor
  18. Pavement Ends
  19. Corn Don't Grow
  20. I Got It Easy

Fortsättning - Nivå 3

  1. Somebody like you
  2. Don't feel like dancing
  3. Guardian Angel
  4. The good life
  5. No man's land
  6. Clap Happy
  7. Knockin' on Wood
  8. Paradise City
  9. My First Love
  10. The Little Things
  11. Running Scared
  12. Fly High
  13. Raggle Tagge Gypsy O
  14. Love Zone
  15. Hey O
  16. Thankful - film
  17. Alcazar
  18. Down to the river
  19. Till the love runs out
  20. Only A Woman
  21. Young Volcanoes
  22. All I Can Say
  23. Walk Alone